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Dzisiaj oficjalnie prezentujemy pierwszą współpracę marki z artystą Piotrem Ciećkowskim. Limitowana ilość GWP x Rotcore Art już dostępna na stronie!
Udało mi się zrealizować marzenie, które było w mojej głowie praktycznie od początków marki. Przeniesienie „Girls Watch Porn” na mangę - hentai, chodziło za mną naprawdę bardzo długo. Nie miałam niestety pomysłu komu mogłabym to zlecić, a opcja znalezienia kogoś przez internet zawsze schodziła na dalszy plan. Poza tym projekt wydawał mi się zbyt skomplikowany, żeby zaryzykować powierzeniem go komuś przypadkowemu.
Los najwidoczniej chciał, żeby ostatecznie pomysł wziął pod skrzydła mój dobry kolega z pracy Piotr Ciećkowski. Znamy się prawie 3 lata, a ja przez ten czas miałam okazję napatrzeć się na jego ogromny talent, bo mimo, że na co dzień nie rysuje mangi jest w stanie stworzyć dosłownie wszystko! Nie myliłam się, że i z tym zadaniem sobie poradzi. Od momentu zlecenia Piotrowi rysunku mój udział w tym wszystkim był już niewielki. Szybko nakreśliłam ogólny koncept - dziewczyna, która ogląda porno w kineskopowym telewizorze, takim jak nasze logo. Po dosłownie jednej konsultacji z Piotrem powstał rysunek idealny, pełen szczegółów, które nie pozostawiają wątpliwości, że został stworzony specjalnie dla GWP!

Aktualnie wzór dostępny jest na czterech kolorach bluz - białej i czarnej w wersji neonowego różu oraz różowej i pomarańczowe w wersji czarnej. Wszystko to w bardzo limitowanej ilości! Dlatego kto pierwszy ten lepszy!

Wszystkie znajdziecie TUTAJ!
Dajcie znać co myślicie o takiej współpracy oraz koniecznie odwiedźcie też strony Piotra - Facebook i Instagram
Witam serdecznie społeczność forum i na początek chciałbym zapytać was o to jakie portale internetowe goszczą najcześciej w waszych przeglądarkach i jakie są wasze preferencje w tej dziedzinie ? Ja np. odwiedzam agregator newsów z różnych portali którego jestem skromnym administratorem https://www.xmc.pl co go wyróżnia od innych witryn tego typu ? sami sprawdźcie i oceńcie :-) Liczę na ciekawą i merytoryczną dyskusję :)
Witam serdecznie społeczność forum i na początek chciałbym zapytać was o to jakie portale internetowe goszczą najcześciej w waszych przeglądarkach i jakie są wasze preferencje w tej dziedzinie ? Ja np. odwiedzam agregator newsów z różnych portali którego jestem skromnym administratorem https://www.xmc.pl co go wyróżnia od innych witryn tego typu ? sami sprawdźcie i oceńcie :-) Liczę na ciekawą i merytoryczną dyskusję :)
Witam serdecznie społeczność forum i na początek chciałbym zapytać was o to jakie portale internetowe goszczą najcześciej w waszych przeglądarkach i jakie są wasze preferencje w tej dziedzinie ? Ja np. odwiedzam agregator newsów z różnych portali którego jestem skromnym administratorem https://www.xmc.pl co go wyróżnia od innych witryn tego typu ? sami sprawdźcie i oceńcie :-) Liczę na ciekawą i merytoryczną dyskusję :)
If you are looking for a brand-new pet cat, you can be wondering how to choose some type of breed. This conclusion will depend on a number of components, such as your lifestyle, a long time of your children together with family members, and how pretty much time you spend at home with the exact cat. Families as well as young children should consider buying a gentle breed, being a La Perm or possibly an American Wirehair. Although most cats am often independent hunters. A few breeds are known for having more active in addition to hunting-oriented, such as the Savannah and Korat. Necessary consideration is the approach to life and type of residence you have. Some breeds of dogs are less demanding as compared to others, while others demand more attention. Picking out the most appropriate cat for your lifestyle will ensure that you get the most out of your new pet dog. Some cats would be better suited for apartments along with low-maintenance environments, however some require high numbers of grooming and head stimulation. While the cat may not need as much understanding as a dog, it'll need more time for folks companionship and attention than a dog. If the family has children, you should consider a particular breed of dog that is patient in conjunction with young children. While many kittens and cats enjoy the company relating other animals, some might also need their living space. Considering this aspect, you can decide which canine is best for your family. The Humane Customs of the United States advises against taking a new cat to your home where a substantial dog with a great prey drive. The latest cat will likely grow to be resentful and reply negatively, urinating away from its litter box, or perhaps hiding. If you reside in an apartment, you might want to take into consideration space where you want to manage new pet. Dog cats can be noisy along with hyperactive, so choosing the right one is essential. The right size and breed will depend on your way of life and living space. A few cats are a great deal better suited for apartments in comparison to others, and some usually are going to be. Your choices will depend on your present living space and way of living. If you're looking for a housemate that won't make you hurt your wallet, a Persian can be the perfect choice. You can also choose the personality on the new feline friend. You can learn more about their own personal personality from kitty shelters or on the net. Some breeds will be more active than other people, and they are known to acquire own unique style. Some breeds will be more suited for indoor surroundings, while others are more ideal for the outdoors. The first step all through choosing a cat is unquestionably knowing what you want from the pet. Then, you can find the shelter as well as choose a feline in which best suits your lifestyle and tastes. The figure of your new cat friend will depend on it has the characteristics. If you have young children, a kitten likely are not the right choice, since they want constant supervision. Info security or you've older children, a cat in addition to a friendly personality are generally not a problem. If you have not one other pets, you can choose a cat that is warm and friendly with children in addition to won't be jealous within their attention. This is especially crucial if you have small children. The type of lifestyle that you have will definitely determine how much time you can spend with your brand spanking new cat. Some loved ones have long perform days, while others consist of very busy daily activities. For these people, buying a cat that is noiseless and mellow will be advisable. For families as well as kids, a cat this is independent may not be the best. If you have children, developing a a cat that can take pleasure in them, but if you don't have any young children, you should keep with a more playful canine. Some breeds are usually more active than other people, so you should be prepared to hang out with your new pet than normal. You may also want a kitty that is able to keep up with your sons or daughters, as they will most likely regularly be demanding and unfriendly. In addition to being independent, longhaired cats require far more attention than shorthaired or domesticated family pet cats. Taking time to wash your cat after weekly will reduce the probability of matting. Besides, scrubbing up your new cat's frizzy hair will make your life more enjoyable for both of you. When you hunting more information concerning cat breed, you may see it in our website
The 1st step in having a healthy and balanced pregnancy is to discover all you can about the process. This includes getting a healthy diet, establishing any birth plan, as well as learning about the many circumstances to avoid during pregnancy. Listed here are 5 Tips for the latest Healthier Pregnancy: a single ) Stay away from fatty as well as spicy foods. Sipping large amounts of alcohol while pregnant can harm the unborn youngster. It is also important to control your alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The well-balanced diet will be significant for a healthy pregnant state. Choose foods that provide vitamins, minerals, and also other nutrients. Make sure to steer clear of extras, such as sturdy fats, added sugars, and fried foods. A healthy diet also is made up of plenty of whole-grain spore. A few tips for a normal pregnancy include: blocking deli meats, sensitive cheeses, and greasy meats. One of the most substantial tips for a healthy gestation is to limit your consuming. During pregnancy, certain kinds of alcohol, caffeine, and artificial colorings are harmful to the unborn baby. Drink plenty of seas and eat a nicely balanced diet. Be sure to comprise of foods high in folate, which helps generate the neural lines of the baby. Along with, if you're a fan of seafoods, you can substitute your very own coffee or energy drinks with apples and apples. Another important tip for a balanced pregnancy is to be sure you are getting all your crucial medical tests. If you're expecting a baby, you'll want to get the suggested tests as early as possible. Quite possibly you have to undergo an ultrasound and blood examine, but catching the condition early can help stay away from or cure in which completely. And by succeeding these tips for a vibrant pregnancy, you'll be able to a happy and stress-free pregnancy. Another from the extremely important Tips for a normal pregnancy is to get sufficient sleep. A good night of sleep is essential for the mother and the toddler. It's also important to avoid used smoke and alcoholic beverages while pregnant. Hunt for ways to relax in daytime. This will help you relax a little bit more. This is also a great way to reduce stress. A good eating routine can help you manage typically the stresses of pregnant state. Choosing a physician who have you trust is really a vital part of a healthy conception. It's important to find a medical doctor who'll listen to your existing concerns and address your concerns. You can seeing your doctor commonly, so it's important to experience relaxed asking questions. For anyone who is not sure what to do, the particular VNA Health Bash has programs that will help you cope with pregnancy. These kinds of programs are aimed toward expectant mothers and will assist you navigate the many modifications that will occur although pregnant. A healthy diet is very important to have a healthy pregnancy. Not only will a healthy diet guide your baby grows, it will benefit you. It's good to eat foods abundant in calcium and folate. These nutrients will help the baby grow and forestall birth defects. A healthy diet will comprise lots of fruits and vegetables. You could stay away from undercooked meat, unpasteurized foods, together with alcoholic beverages. While gestation slows down a lady's metabolic rate, she should exercise to keep he or she moods balanced. Exercising reduces stress, assists regulate body weight, in addition to induces a better night of sleep. Walking meant for 20 minutes every day will improve circulation in addition to improve mood, along with prevent the development of nerve organs tube defects. By her pregnancy, the girl should try not to do a lot of physical activity. During pregnancy, it is critical to eat healthy foods that are abundant with vitamins and minerals. The best foods for a healthy having a baby include fiber, tricky carbohydrates, and healthy proteins. While it's important to maintain the right portion styles in mind during pregnancy, ensure you limit alcohol as well as consume fish consisting of mercury. While these kinds of food types are a great source of calorie consumption, they're not very beneficial to you. If you require more information regarding healthy maternity, look at it [url=https://im-pregnant.com/]im-pregnant.com[/url]
The first step in developing a new kitchen is certainly deciding on a cover from the sun scheme. You can develop a theme by looking in what color schemes that suits you and don't like. An impressive color scheme is unquestionably one that has a few opposing hues or colorings that are similar to the existing ones. If you commonly are not sure about the colours, you can always find photos of similar colors on the internet. The next step is to pick the materials in addition to appliances for the room. The kitchen is usually a scaled-down space, so getting hold of the right material and hue options can be a to accomplish. The layout of a property depends on the needs in addition to size of your family. You have to choose the best layout on the kitchen, but a possibility always easy to decide the best design for your very own space. Having a professional designer plan your kitchen will make the strategy easier. A U-shaped layout is the best choice for any large space, along with the U shape gives you easy access to work zones. Whether you're remaking the kitchen or sprucing up, a kitchen is often a vital area of your home. A number of activities take place in this room, so getting a perfect interior design can be a top priority. While areas and guest suites are reserved for functions, the kitchen is the cardiovascular system of the home, so it's a terrific place to save money. Together with ensuring that you'll take pleasure in your new kitchen, a brand new interior design will help to increase your property's value. Implementing the interior design of any kitchen, be sure to glance at the space and the format. The layout must include things like how you use the room. Damian Wright, almost any senior designer as well as Smallbone, recommends thinking about the kitchen's layout on the inside moments. Ultimately, you will have functional space performs for you. Just make sure anyone propose ahead for expenses. That way, you'll be able to love your new kitchen far more! Before hiring an inside designer, ask them to look at their process and fees. Some kitchen creative designers charge by the hour, although some charge by the project's budget. A reputable custom should be able to explain anything in detail, so be sure you have a good talk with your chosen model firm. If you're not comfortable with an in-house artist, consider hiring a consultant. A kitchen styling firm with a flexible schedule is a great output. Before selecting a residence design, make sure the site is spacious. For any small kitchen, there's no need to spend a lot of cash on a big cabinet. It's worth it to take into consideration the layout first, after that think about what you want to do making use of rest of the room. Then, you'll be able to make a good decision. If you have a lot of space, you'll be able to consist of extras later. The layout of your kitchen is often a vital factor when planning for your new kitchen. After getting decided on a structure, you can start researching many different materials, colors, together with appliances. You should also consider types in your area so that your brand-new kitchen will be noticeable in the future. For a used model purposes, it's best to decide on a design that is both equally appealing to everyone. The best kitchen should be substantial and open, so that it can be used for different passions. Before choosing a residence design, it's important to consider your personal tastes. An up to date kitchen will be trendy and minimalist, when a rustic kitchen will probably be functional. The most important thing is you enjoy it. There are many models to choose from and you must carry out sure you find a style functions for you. If you don't which include traditional kitchens, you could opt for an spot in the middle to accommodate all of your current appliances. Besides appearances, the ergonomics with the kitchen will be vital as well. The layout within your kitchen will affect its design a whole lot, so make sure it can be as functional as possible. While you're in the process involving designing your new kitchen, it's important to keep this in mind. A contemporary kitchen will be more oftimes be organized and easily accessible. By allowing urgent access to everything that you require, you'll be able to get the finest of your new residence. If you need more details about how precisely to settle on decor for the kitchen, you could find it [url=https://the-interior.design/]in website[/url]